
Luce is part of this wave of Indigo and krystal children that born in the last 30 years.
The universe gave me the wonderful opportunity to meet Luce here in Pisac-Cusco just when I was very interested in the process of fasting. Brought the information I was hoping to experience with fasting. Luce had the felicity to share with Victor Truviano fasting 11 days and 3 days, and was a period near Victor learning from him some valuable concepts related to pranic life. Victor did not eat or drink anything for 8 years.
I was born in a Buddhist home in Italy. When I was 17, I had some experiences that I can now call my first " initiations " for going through some called diseases which depersonalization , panic attacks and outputs the physical body could start wishing my healing and thanks to them I got to Chile where I began beautiful change.
It was in this beautiful country that I could transform and heal my inner states through different experiences and great dedication to the various paths: Hata Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Vipassana Meditation , different courses of therapy, process of 11 days of fasting, pranic mind, pranic body , and different occasions which led me to meet beautiful and inspiring things that have helped me create in my healing and peace so long desired in the past , a peace that every day becomes more enjoyable, all going through different challenges as yet delivered more to this that I'm living every moment and situation , and that is always .. accurate and sufficient.
Today I want to share the tools I have learned and have transformed me and assist people in achieving our shared concerns appease thanks to these tools that have helped me so much . Infinite universe for allowing me to be here and be who I am Thanks.